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Self Care do you dare?

Self care is something many of us say we are going to attempt, but don't make the effort to ensure is done! If we don't show up for ourselves, how can we show up for others. It has taken me several years to learn how important it is to start taking care of myself and caring for myself in order to feel better and love myself better. I do notice that on and around those times when I have taken care of ME and done something for ME, I am able to show up for those around me and who need me!

So what do I do when it comes to self care? I love sitting in a warm bubble bath while listening to classical music and if there's no time for a long bath, then I will take a hot shower with my classical music! I love taking the time to color or spend a little bit of time on a mini-facial or micro-dermabrasion facial, maybe a foot soak or even a lit candle in a quiet room with a great book to read! Sometimes a run or a brisk walk calls my name or a good magazine with yummy ideas to cook on my next ME time! I think one of the best ME times I had recently was a home facial, with the use of eye patches, as I sat in bed with a weighted heating pad, a good movie, and drifted off to sleep!

Self care feeds our Joy road! Without self care, your Joy road can be shut down for repairs. If that happens you have to learn to diversify or divide and conquer! What does that look like? To me that means I take a service road and get to where I need to be in order to be my best ME at the end of the day! What does that service road look like for me, well instead of 30 minutes of alone time or an hour in the gym or a long walk outside, I may need to break up my time into 2 fifteen minute sessions of walking and or reading a book. Maybe I take a 15 minute hot bath with a candle burning and the lights down and then a 15 or 20 minute rest in my room or a 15 minute facial with a facial mask or steam. There are always options in order to get you where you need to be. Just like there are always different options for driving home or getting to the grocery store. Maybe your ME time is taking the long way home and jamming out to some of your favorite music and singing at the top of your lungs!

Self care is so very important. I would love to know what you my reader does for self care. please leave me comments below and let me know what you do for your own self care. I would love to know and add to my repertoire of ideas for my own self care! I would love to share ideas and thoughts on this subject. Just remember ME time...YOU time is so very important and you need to take that time and show up for yourself in order to show up for others in your life that may cross your road or path. FEED YOUR JOY ROAD and ENJOY the RIDE!

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